How far along? 29 weeks 2 days!!
Total weight gain/loss: up 5.5 lbs from pre-pregnancy weight
Maternity clothes? Tops are mostly pre-prego but 100% maternity on bottoms except for yoga pants & such
Stretch marks? not from baby.
Sleep: This has been a hard subject the past week. With the potty breaks and full on having to wake up to switch sides because my hips are killing me, crazy dreams, and no longer able to sleep on my back, things are rough to say the least.
Best moment this week: 7 months down!
Movement: More and more! I love the feeling!
Food cravings: Nothing really. Food sounds icky.
Symptoms: Heartburn and exhaustion. Oh yes and a few crying spells this week! UGH
Gender: Beautiful baby Girl!!!
Labor Signs: Not for a while I hope! Keep on baking little one!!
Belly Button in or out? Think it will stay an innie
What I miss: Feeling well rested after sleeping.
What I am looking forward to: The showers coming up!
Weekly Wisdom: Hormones suck. Pregnancy hormones are disastrous.
Milestones: Last week before the big 30 weeks...that's right folks I could very well deliver in the 30's E (crossing fingers not in the 40's!)EEEEkkk
