Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Friday, June 11, 2010

Holy legcramp batman!

Ok so as I published my last blog I got my 1st pregnancy leg cramp!! I swear it lasted a good 5 minutes!! I had heard of these but fortunately had not been attacked yet!! Luckily Nick was there trying to rub it as I tried to hold back the screams and tears..which turned into me hysterically laughing. Laughing over leg cramps you ask? I agree not a laughing matter, but it is when all you can think about is GOODNESS IF A LEG CRAMP CAN HURT THIS BAD, WHAT THE HELL IS LABOR & DELIVERY GOING TO FEEL LIKE?!

After making it through my 1st cramp alive I got some water and then went to read up on my weekly progress on me baby...and coincidentally this is what I found:

Your Pregnancy: Week 25
At this point you're pretty much swollen all over. What started as just a "boob thing" seems to have spread from there, down your torso and out your limbs. This is definitely contagious. But even if sausage fingers and toes aren't your idea of womanly, remember that you are indeed a reproductive goddess. (You could try asking your friends to bow before you as you enter the room, but you'll probably have to settle for peeling your own grapes.)

Wondering what's up with your body, your baby and your life this week? Read on ...

What You're Thinking:

"Why don't my shoes fit anymore? Am I pregnant in my feet, too?"

Your Body
Pregnancy leg cramps are not your ordinary run-of-the-mill leg cramps. Nope, a pregnancy leg cramp will often have you leaping out of bed screaming at the top of your lungs.

Leg cramps can be caused by a calcium deficiency, so be sure to get enough calcium. Even if you're lactose intolerant or have dairy allergies, there are still ways to get enough calcium in your diet that don't involve eating a 2-gallon drum of ice cream (although that does sound fun). Believe it or not, there's calcium in almonds, fish, broccoli and tofu.

While they come with the territory of pregnancy, there are ways to avoid leg cramps, like warm soaks and massages.

Too funny right?! I know it cannot be the calcium with all the ice cream I have been chowing down on ;O)

I don't curse a pregnancy leg cramp on anyone!


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